Pondering One Another - 17 March 2021

I have shared about this book in the past, but it has been part of several conversations in the recent weeks. We have struggles like everyone else, yet our family has so much for which to be thankful.  Our friends and family come to mind – so many people that we count as friends who have helped us and we’ve had the opportunity to assist in some way come to the forefront.  People from around the whole have given input into our lives.  Others we have built relationships that go beyond the “Hi, how are you?”  We know that God is pleased as His people share their joys and sorrows with one another.

Our pastor and friend, Wayne Hoag, wrote The One Another Project in 2012 and I used it as a reference several times in various settings.  One opportunity was at a local high school. The school’s theme for the year was from Philippians 2:3-4.  As we regard one another as more important than ourselves life takes on new meaning.  We become more like the example Jesus gave us – to be people with the heart of a servant.  Some of the other ‘one another’ admonitions like love, encourage, accept, pray for, and teach begin to take shape in our lives as we see those around us as more important than ourselves.

As I reflect on my service to those around us through the years, I feel those inside my own family have received the short end of my service to others.  They are the most important people that God has placed in my realm of influence, but at times I take them for granted and don’t spend the necessary time cultivating those relationships.  I love my family and know that they love me, but my actions don’t always show that.   Reflecting back has always helped me to be even more thankful for God’s mercy and grace in my life.  It has shown me that I must always regard my family as more important than myself.


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