29 January 2020

29 January 2020


Kids and Ministry

As we begin 2020, our news updates are getting a fresh look. It should be easier to read on both your computer and mobile devices.

Our children have always enhanced our ministry, whether being part of our outreach or through their own. This past holiday has been a time for the Clementz family to reflect on the amazing things that God has done in our lives over the past year. It was wonderful to have all of our amazing children here for Christmas. Our days were filled with playing games, chatting about things that had happened over the past year, and taking some great pictures. It was a mental boost for everyone and a great time for Sean to have all his siblings in the same place for a while. It was good to support one another as we are each going through some form of transition or struggle. We all agreed on a great truth, "...In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33 

As we look forward to this year, we see God moving and preparing us for even greater service for the kingdom. Our first need to to be at 100% support before engaging in full-time recruitment. When we get to full support, we will be focusing our efforts on getting more teachers in overseas schools. At present we are at 81% our needed financial support. Please pray with us as we ask the Lord for more people to join our team.
Other specific prayer needs:

  1. That Sean’s new therapy regimen will show fruit. He is meeting with an OCD specialist and so far it has been positive. We have been told that it is not a quick fix and ask for your prayers. We want to stay patient and positive as we wait for change. We know God's got this!
  2. For individuals to join our team. We need financial partners, but the need for prayer partners is equally important. Even a small amount of faithful prayers can move mountains (cf. Matt 17:20).

Pressing on together,
Robert for the Clementz family
There is only OneFinishLine!!
~^-/\ John 14:6, Phil 3:14 

Check out Wycliffe's 2019 year in review video to join us in celebrating what God did last year.

We look forward to what He will continue to do in 2020 and in the years to come through the life-changing message of His Word!

Partnership Information

Our work would not be possible without a team of faithful prayer and financial partners. We are grateful for each and every one of you who are part of the work of reaching the Bibleless. If you are interested in joining our team of prayer and financial partners, use the information below.

By Mail:*
Wycliffe Bible Translators
PO Box 628200
Orlando FL 32862-8200

*Attach a separate note saying:
"Preference for the Wycliffe ministry of Robert & Molly Clementz"

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6221 9 Mile Rd NE
Rockford, MI 49341


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